
Affordable, Quick, Easy & Pain Free Ear Wax Removal Service

Convenient 30-minute ear wax removal and ear health check appointments. Our expert professional Audiologists use state-of-the-art equipment to assist ear wax removal procedures like micro-suction to achieve clean, unblocked ears. 

Hearing Specialists


At Midland Hearing Centre,  our hearing healthcare specialists address problems associated with overall ear health and  hearing related issues. A blocked feeling in the ears is often caused by ear wax build up and can result in ear pain among other symptoms.

At our clinic in Solihull and across Midlands, we offer professional ear wax removal services. We will thoroughly investigate the cause behind your symptoms, especially when impacted ear wax is not found to be the cause of your hearing related symptoms.

Affordable Ear Wax Removal Service

Full Wax Removal

All ear wax removal procedures are carried out under direct vision assisted through a head-worn light or hand held light source and magnified view to achieve maximum patient comfort and safety.

Every patient’s ear canal and integrity of the tympanic membrane are medically reviewed before proceeding to choose the best approach to achieve clean ears. We also remove compacted ear wax and foreign bodies that are often a result of home remedies such as cotton swabs, hydrogen peroxide or ear candling. No more oils and home remedies!

In a 30-minute appointment, we remove cerumen (ear wax), mostly without the prior use of softening agents like medical graded oils and other products . Our specialists also use curetting or computer-controlled irrigation where the ear canal is not pressurised during the procedure. This is a safe option when softening agents have been used or cerumen is attached to the tympanic membrane.  If required, patients benefit from the added support of a complimentary hearing screening after cerumen removal to identify any potential hearing issue.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

Home Visits

Having examined every aspect of how we deliver our care, to ensure your safety, we are pleased to be able to offer home visits for those who are less able to visit one of our clinics.

Our Unique & Uncompromising Approach

At Midland Hearing Centre we are on the mission to keep our community hearFIT.

With our services and related products, we strive to provide the best possible service.

Better hearing, better everything starts today!