
Our unique and uncompromising approach

Same day appointment

Offer professional ear wax removal services that are affordable, easy and pain-free.

Experienced senior audiologists

Highly experienced audiologists who follow patient centered approach, with no sales targets.

Latest mocrosuction technique

We use only the latest and safest methods to ensure that the removal process is pain free and easy.

Your safety is our priority

Safety is our priority and we pride ourselves in making the procedure as pain free and comfortable.

What is ear wax?

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by glands in the skin of the outer ear canal. It is a mixture of secretions from these glands, including sweat, sebum (an oily substance), and dead skin cells. Should I remove ear wax? Ear wax can build up and cause discomfort or hearing problems, and may need to be removed by a healthcare professional.

How our ear wax removal service work?

Book an appointment online or by phone

Pre-otoscopic examination of the ear drums & canals

Gentle removal of the earwax by microsuction

Post-otoscopic examination and some final checks

Don't just take our word for it...

Hearing specialists

At Midland Hearing Centre,  our hearing healthcare specialists address problems associated with overall ear health and  hearing related issues. A blocked feeling in the ears is often caused by ear wax build up and can result in ear pain among other symptoms.

At our clinic in Solihull and across Midlands, we offer professional ear wax removal services. We will thoroughly investigate the cause behind your symptoms, especially when impacted ear wax is not found to be the cause of your hearing related symptoms.

Home visits

The ultimate convenience for those who need to have their ear wax removed without the hassle of leaving their homes. Our expert technicians will come to your doorstep equipped with the latest tools and techniques to safely and effectively remove ear wax. Our team of professionals has years of experience in ear wax removal and is highly trained to handle even the most complex cases.